Complete Guide to Shareholder Agreements

The quorum herein refers to the minimum number of members required to hold a valid meeting. However, a shareholders’ agreement may contain a supremacy clause to ensure that it overrides the AoA in case there is any inconsistency so that the shareholders can amend the AoA as required. This article is written by R Sai Gayatri from Post Graduate College of Law, Osmania University. This article deals in detail with a shareholders’ agreement, its essential contents and the role it plays in creating a regulation between the shareholders and the company. Now, each funding round that takes place will have an overall impact on the shareholding pattern of the existing investor. Now, in case of an ‘up-round’, although the equity stake of the existing investor reduces, the overall value of the shares held by the investor increases due to an increase in the valuation of the company.

Shareholders have rights under the OBCA, among them voting rights, rights with respect to meetings, and rights pertaining to access to information. Protecting the rights of shareholders also means protecting the value of shares from being diluted in the event of unforeseen circumstance, such as a marriage breakdown, death, disability, divestiture and dispute. To appreciate the different types of shareholders’ agreements that can be drawn, one must understand the different types of shares that can be issued. It contains over 30 pages of practical commentary, including a glossary of useful terms and a sample decision-making matrix. It is an invaluable resources for anyone looking to understand more about shareholders agreements.

A Guide to Shareholders Agreements

An attorney with expertise in corporate law can guide the drafting process and provide valuable insights. Minority shareholders are those who own less than 50% of the shares of a company. Since the business operation of most companies follows the majority decision, minority shareholders usually have little control over the business.

The shareholder also gains certain rights concerning the matters of such a company such as the right to vote. A shareholders’ agreement, also known as a stockholders’ agreement, is an agreement made among shareholders that explains how a company must be operated in certain circumstances and outlines the rights and obligations of the shareholders. The purpose of a shareholders’ agreement is to protect the interests of the shareholders, including minority shareholders, i.e., the ones holding less than 50% of the shares in the company.

  • Partner and Head of Corporate Vincent Billings gives his top tips and guide to shareholders agreements.
  • Even though this document is not required, there can be serious consequences for not having one available and in use.
  • Promoters also must recognize that to prevent their holding from getting diluted over time, it is essential to secure anti-dilution rights.
  • To be enforceable, such changes shall be incorporated under the Articles of the Company.
  • In the absence of an Anti-Dilution clause, it may lead to a decline in ownership percentage and loss in value of Shares of existing Shareholders.
  • To implement the proceedings described above, the Partners agree to efficiently work together at the shareholders’ meetings and before them.

Also, the shareholder agreement may include a clause that prevents minority shareholders from transferring their shares to a competitor or other party that majority shareholders do not want to get involved in the company. The agreement should also define rules on the sale and transfer of shares, who can purchase shares, the terms and prices, etc. Even if the articles of association protect the minority owners, the provisions can often be altered through special resolutions approved by the majority shareholders. The shareholder agreement may address these loopholes by requiring that key company decisions be approved by all shareholders regardless of their voting power. Drag-along rights are provisions in a shareholders’ agreement that allow majority shareholders (usually founders and investors) to effectively ‘drag along’ the minority shareholders in the sale of the shares of the entire company. Additionally, drag-along rights compel the minority shareholders to accept the same terms as the majority shareholders when their startup is acquired.

Essentially, it protects the investor from the dilution of equity stake due to down-round financing. There will be an independent valuation as discussed above concerning restrictions on the transfer of shares. This will make sure that existing shareholders can participate in new share issues without being diluted. So, they will need to transfer their shares back to the corporate at either the value they purchased them or the market price (whichever is lower). Good Leaver & Bad Leaver clauses define what to do when shareholders leave the corporate under different circumstances. Another issue is that if the corporate is acquired or a change of control occurs before all shares have vested.

It is drafted when one of the shareholders of the company wants to sell his equity to another shareholder and wants to exit the company. As aforementioned, a shareholders’ agreement contains a plethora of terms and rules. The point to take care of here is that such terms and rules must mandatorily have crisp clarity. As they say, “too many cooks spoil the broth”, the same may occur in the case of a shareholders’ agreement. Where there are so many terms to keep in mind, it becomes imperative to have a proper understanding of such terms to avoid further confusion or potential disputes.

Well, a shareholder is a person who owns portions of equity, known as shares, in a corporation. I often implement a 3-step approach to dispute resolution clauses to put several alternative dispute resolution steps in place to help avoid Court action, except injunctive relief. Investors prefer preference shares over ordinary shares due to their additional rights, such as priority on dividends and the ability to convert them into ordinary shares. Common good leaver scenarios include where key employees leave due to illness, redundancy, and retirement. Learn how to organize shareholder meetings and the strategies you can follow to stay legally compliant and efficient. A liquidation event in SHA clearly defines such scenarios and the liquidation preference rights of the investors.

Common bad leaver scenarios include where key employees are fired for defrauding the company, underperforming, and leaving before an agreed term. It is common for companies to offer equity to key employees, including founders, to incentivise them to stay with the company and work harder toward its success. The complexity of the agreement grows together with the company, so if you have not incorporated your company yet, your first contract will be fairly simple. There are several templates online but we highly recommend working with a lawyer to customize it to your specific case.

A Guide to Shareholders Agreements

In this backdrop, it can be understood that though not necessitated by the law, parties prefer to enter into an SHA as a matter of commercial prudence. This can be contrasted with equity capital, which happens where shares are received in exchange for cash. So, investors may negotiate on liquidation preference and will try to recover 2 or 3 times their investment. what Is a shareholders agreement in cryptoinvesting But they enable a shareholder to issue new shares automatically without paying for them. Allocating shares at an early stage provides tax advantages like an increase in the value of the shares is taxed at a lower rate. Most corporations understand that the best time to create this agreement is early on, but in some cases, they avoid making one.

A Guide to Shareholders Agreements

The Partners understand and are aware that some of the Partners have existing shareholder agreements or competition restriction clauses in other companies. The Partners agree to make their best effort to avoid conflicts with these other shareholder agreements and competition restrictions. The Partners agree that if any Partner encounters liabilities from these agreements or restrictions, the Company will cover those liabilities, including but not limited to compensation payments and legal costs. The Board shall make the final decision, to what extent the Company covers the costs. Therefore, your shareholders’ agreement should contain robust dispute resolution provisions to help mitigate the risk of shareholder litigation by shareholders.

Since the shareholders are given copies of the financial statements, they can track the progress and the needs of the company. If the shareholders find that there is a need for funds for the growth of the company, then they can trace out a proper source of funding for the said purpose. The procedure for procuring such finances must be included in the Shareholders Agreement. An investor is someone who receives some stake in the company, in return for investing in that company. However, an investor may or may not be involved in the day-to-day functioning of the company.

A Tag-Along Rights clause on the other hand provides ”co-sale rights” to the Shareholders. Generally, this clause is used to protect the minority shareholders of the Company. Thus, if majority shareholders sell their stake, it gives the minority shareholder the right to join the transaction and sell their minority stake in the Company. A shareholders agreement is a legally binding agreement between the shareholders of the company that lays down the rights and obligations of the shareholders towards each other as well as the company. It is a definitive agreement which as a part of it sometimes also includes the SSA (Share subscription agreement) and SPA (Share purchasing agreement).